
At Bovington Academy policies are all accessible from this page. 

Paying for information

Information published on this website is free, although you may incur costs from your Internet service provider.

Paper copies

You may request a paper version of any of these documents. Please contact the Academy by telephone or by submitting the ‘Contact Us‘ form on our website. To help us process your request quickly, please mark any correspondence ‘POLICY DOCUMENT REQUEST’ (in CAPITALS please).

Additional information

If the information you are seeking is not available you can still contact the Academy to ask if we have it.

Service costs

If your request requires photocopying or printing, or incurs a significant postage charge, it may be necessary to charge. Where this is the case, we will let you know before going ahead with your request.

Our Policies

Accessibility Plan

Admission Policy Sept-2023.24

Admission Policy Sept-2024.25

Admission Policy Sept-2025.26

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Poster

Charging and Remissions Policy

Children not Collected from School Policy

Complaints Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Equality Information and Objectives

Funding Agreement

Gender Pay Gap Report

Letting Policy

Memorandum of Association

Missing Child Policy

Online Safety Policy

Positive Handling and Physical Intervention Policy

Bovington Academy Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-24

Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Safeguarding-Operation Encompass Statement

SEND Policy

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

Suspension & Permanent Exclusion Policy

Trade Union Facility Time Report

Uniform Policy

Whistleblowing Policy

Young Carers Policy


Bovington Academy Acceptable Use Policy – Staff 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Cookies Policy 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Cyber Security Policy 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Data Breach Policy 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Data Protection Policy 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Data Retention Policy 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Electronic Information and Communications Policy 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Information Security Policy 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Job Applicant Privacy Notice 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Parents and Pupils Privacy Notice 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Photography and Video at School Policy 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Social Media Policy 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Staff Privacy Notice 2022-09-01

Bovington Academy Subject Access Request Policy 2022-09-01

Where next

Pupil Premium

Bovington Academy Our pupils are wonderful and full of character. Our brilliant and professional staff work hard to ensure that every child makes good progress…

Pupil Premium

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