Cultural Capital and Employability

Developing Cultural Capital and Employability at Bovington Academy

‘Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’ OFSTED Jan 2019

At Bovington Academy, our curriculum has been designed to ensure full coverage of the entire National Curriculum and that the essential knowledge and skills needed to become a successful member of society are intertwined and sequenced logically. Links are made explicit by teaching staff, where appropriate, to the importance of the subject being learned in the big picture and how this links to their employability in the future.

All children also have access to and the opportunity to join a variety of extra-curricular clubs to develop their interest and skill in a variety of sports, music, science, maths, STEM, computing, dance and drama.

On top of this, enrichment experiences are organised within each year group to further develop our pupils’ cultural capital and understanding of employability.

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